- Currently “Montauk Surf & Sports”
- Divisions possible
- Will be delivered in white-box condition
- Wide frontage on Montauk’s busiest street
- Surrounded by strong F&B retail tenants
- Fully built-out and renovated restaurant in Water Mill Square with an omakase bar, liquor bar, 2 dining rooms, and outdoor seating
- Occupancy 120+ guests
- Great exposure in the Hamptons with an on-site parking lot to share
- 4AM liquor license in place
- $350K in key-money
- Former “Rite Aid”
- Built-out stand-alone retail store with a drive thru in the rear
- 60 parking spaces on-site
- Septic system and Zone C6-R20
- Heavy vehicle traffic on a main intersection with neighboring national tenant
- All uses considered
950 Third Avenue
22nd Floor
New York NY 10022